KFS/KFA/KFX - pojemnościowe czujniki poziomu


Systemy pomiaru poziomu pojemności (KFS/KFA/KFX) działają w oparciu o metodę 3-elektrodową. Zgodnie z tą zasadą, zbiornik lub dodatkowa elektroda pełnią funkcję elektrody przeciwnej do elektrod sondy.


The capacitive level measurement systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is necessary with this system that the container is of a conductive material or a "substitute electrode" is fixed to the container wall, e.g. copper foil. These systems are available with probes for analogue filling level measurement or for detection up to 4 measuring points. The position of the switching points and the analogue measuring area is custom made within the possible effective range and therefore it can be determined for optimized matching of each application.


Level measurements of bulk material, liquids or pastes are possible with a dielectric constant as of εr 1,1.

ObudowaØ 16 mm to Ø 20 mm
Strefa pomiarowamax. 2000 mm
Napięcie zasilania24 VDC to 250 VAC
Rodzaj pomiaru1 do 4 punktów bądź liniowy
Materiał obudowyStal nierdzewna/ PTFE PEEK / PVDF
Dopuszczalna temperatura otoczenia- 70°C to + 250°C