RF Tunable Capacitors


ST’s STPTIC devices form a series of tunable RF capacitors. These tunable capacitors are intended for use in mobile phone applications, dedicated to RF tunable applications.

ST’s STPTIC series features standard capacitor values ranging from 2.7 pF to 8.2 pF. These tunable capacitances are controlled through a bias voltage ranging from 2 to 20 V, with a tuning ratio of 3.5 to 1.

ST’s tunable capacitors are available in flip-chip and micro QFN packages.

Part NumberGeneral DescriptionPackageMarketing StatusCapacitor controlCapacitance (@1V) typ (pF)Capacitance (@2V) typ (pF)Capacitance (@ Vbias max) typ (pF)Tuning ratio(Delta C) (@1Ghz) typ ()Linearity(IP3) (@2V) typ (dBm)Quality factor(Q) (2V-20V, @ 1GHz) nom ()
STPTIC8p2 tunable capacitor; Parascana?? tunable integrated capacitorFlip Chip; uQFN-6LActiveAnalog-2.7 : 8.2-3.5-60 : 65