

Datalogic Automation is among the major producers of automatic identification systems for the industrial sector in the world. Datalogic Automation offers a wide range of automatic data capture solutions helping industries streamline processes for increased productivity, profitability, and accuracy in industrial and logistic applications The four business units are appreciated all over the world for quality and innovation gaining leadership in each of their respective fields. Datalogic Automation offers a wide range of solutions to various industry divisions: from manufacturing to the more complex aerospace technology, automotive, and scientific industries. The single business units themselves act as the driving force behind Datalogic Automation's success, enabling leadership in each of their respective fields. Datalogic Automation is headquartered in Bologna. The manufacturing plant for the Business Unit Unattended Scanning Systems is located in Teramo (South of Italy); Laservall manufacturing plants are located in North of Italy (Sesto Calende and Donnas), and in China (Futian); the production of RFID solutions by EMS is outsourced to valuable ODM suppliers; while the manufacturing plants of Datasensor are located in North of Italy (Monte San Pietro - Bologna) and in Hungary (Fonyód).