Capacitive Sensors (KAS)


Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant.


The sensors are used to detect objects, for counting functions and for all types of level monitoring applications in liquid materials (i.e. water, oil, acids, glue) and bulk materials (i.e. pouder, granulate, pellets).

ObudowaØ 8 mm to Ø 64 mm
Napięcie zasilania10 VDC to 250 VAC
Strefa wykrywania0 mm to 50 mm
Materiał obudowyStal nierdzewna / mosiądz PPO / PA / PVC PTFE / PEEK / PVDF
Dopuszczalna temperatura otoczenia- 70°C to + 250°C