
STM8L101 is our entry-level line in the STM8L ultra-low-power family and is the most affordable line of low-voltage microcontrollers offering basic functionalities with low-power performance.

The devices include up to 8 Kbytes of Flash memory with up to 1.5 Kbytes of SRAM. Based on our STM8 16 MHz core, these MCUs also include the rich set of peripherals of more advanced lines with USART, SPI, I²C interfaces, a full set of timers, comparators, and other features. Available in 20- to 32-pin packages, different configurations can be selected to fit application needs at the most affordable price.

Part NumberPackageMarketing StatusOperating Frequency(F) (Processor speed)FLASH Size (Prog)Internal RAM SizeData E2PROM nom (B)16-bit timers (IC/OC/PWM)32-bit timer (IC/OC/PWM)Other timer functionsA/D ConverterD/A ConverterComparatorSerial InterfaceSupply Voltage(Vcc) min (V)Supply Voltage(Vcc) max (V)Supply Current(Icc) (Lowest power mode) typ (µA)Supply Current(Icc) (Run mode (per Mhz)) typ (µA)Display controllerTouch sensing FW library
STM8L101F1UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6Active1621.5-2x16-bit-IWD, AWU, beeper--21xSPI;1xI2C;1xUSART;1xIRTx1.653.60.3150-Yes
STM8L101F2TSSOP 20; UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6Active1641.5-2x16-bit-AWU;Beeper;IWDG--21xSPI;1xI2C;1xUSART;1xIRTx1.653.60.3150-Yes
STM8L101F3TSSOP 20; UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6Active1681.520482x16-bit-IWD, AWU, beeper--21xSPI;1xI2C;1xUSART;1xIRTx1.653.60.3150-Yes
STM8L101G2UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55Active1641.5-2x16-bit-IWD, AWU, beeper--21xSPI;1xI2C;1xUSART;1xIRTx1.653.60.3150-Yes
STM8L101G3UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55Active1681.520482x16-bit-IWD, AWU, beeper--21xSPI;1xI2C;1xUSART;1xIRTx1.653.60.3150-Yes
STM8L101K3LQFP 32 7x7x1.4; UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55Active1681.520482x16-bit-IWD, AWU, beeper--21xSPI;1xI2C;1xUSART;1xIRTx1.653.60.3150-Yes