STM32L100 Value Line ULP


The STM32 L1 series now hosts an entry level line, the STM32L100

The latest addition to ST’s STM32 L1 series, the STM32L100, is the perfect fit for applications that require a minimum processing power and ultra-low power consumption, all at a budget price.

The STM32L100 comes with a real-time clock, 16-bit timers, communication interfaces (SPI, I²C, USART, USB), analog peripherals, including a 12-bit ADC, and a LCD driver (up to 8x28 segments).

The STM32L100 Value line operates from 1.8 to 3.6 V and is available in the -40 to +85 °C temperature range.

All STM32 L1 series share the same architecture with the same memory mapping and are fully pin-to-pin compatible.

Part NumberPackageMarketing StatusOperating Frequency(F) (Processor speed)FLASH Size (Prog)Internal RAM SizeData E2PROM nom (B)16-bit timers (IC/OC/PWM)32-bit timer (IC/OC/PWM)Other timer functionsA/D ConverterD/A ConverterComparatorSerial InterfaceSupply Voltage(Vcc) min (V)Supply Voltage(Vcc) max (V)Supply Current(Icc) (Lowest power mode) typ (µA)Supply Current(Icc) (Run mode (per Mhz)) typ (µA)Display controllerTouch sensing FW library
STM32L100C6UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55Active3232420486x16-bit-2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter16x12-bit2x12-bit-2xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.83.60.3230LCD 4x16-
STM32L100C6-AUFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55Active3232420486x16-bit-2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter16x12-bit2x12-bit-2xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.83.60.3230LCD 4x16-
STM32L100R8LQFP 64 10x10x1.4Active3264820486x16-bit-2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter20x12-bit2x12-bit-2xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.83.60.3230LCD 4x32/8x28-
STM32L100R8-ALQFP 64 10x10x1.4Active3264820486x16-bit-2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter20x12-bit2x12-bit-2xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.83.60.3230LCD 4x32/8x28-
STM32L100RBLQFP 64 10x10x1.4Active321281020486x16-bit-2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter20x12-bit2x12-bit-2xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.83.60.3230LCD 4x32/8x28-
STM32L100RB-ALQFP 64 10x10x1.4Active321281620486x16-bit-2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter20x12-bit2x12-bit-2xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.83.60.3230LCD 4x32/8x28-
STM32L100RCLQFP 64 10x10x1.4Active322561681928x16-bit1x32-bit2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter21x12-bit2x12-bit-3xSPI/I2S;2xI2C;3xUSART (IrDA, ISO 7816);1x USB 2.0 FS1.653.60.3230LCD 4x32/8x28-