MRS Sensors


The magneto resistive sensors (MRS) detect the movement of ferromagnetic materials, by means of the change of the magnetic flow. They are available with (Series 350) or without (series 300) detection of direction of rotation.


They are suitable for rotary speed sensing, for detection of gearwheels and for standstill control. Areas of use can be extremely rough, max. switching frequency of 15 kHz.

ObudowaØ 12 mm to Ø 18 mm
Napięcie zasilania10 VDC to 35 VDC
Częstotliwość przełączania0,5 Hz to 15 KHz
Materiał obudowystainless steel / PPO / PA PEEK
Dopuszczalna temperatura otoczenia- 40°C to + 125°C