Lightning current measuring


Receive online notifications about lightning strikes in your system and benefit from load-oriented maintenance.


The measuring system detects and analyzes all important parameters of lightning surge currents. Evaluation and remote signaling is in realtime. Consolidation of the operating parameters of the system and the measured data provide a better basis for making decisions on control and maintenance.


Your advantages

  • Easy detection and evaluation of lightning current loads thanks to the intelligent measuring system
  • Maintenance can be planned better, thanks to continuous remote monitoring
  • Easy data output and configuration, due to integrated web server
  • Integration into standard network systems through RJ45 Ethernet interface


Structure of the measuring system

The system essentially consists of an evaluation unit with up to three sensors. The sensors are mounted on various different arresters of a lightning protection system. Signal transmission takes place via fiber optics.


Safe measuring method

The system works according to the Faraday principle. In the event of a lightning strike, the surge current generates a magnetic field around the arrester, which is detected by the sensors.

The measured results are sent to the evaluation unit via fiber optics.

The evaluation unit analyses the data from the sensors and determines the following parameters of lightning characteristics:

  • Maximum lighting current strength
  • Lightning current rise
  • Charge
  • Specific energy