Inductive analog output sensors are used to detect metal objects within specific operating ranges. This object distance is then translated into an analog output signal proportional to distance, making these sensors ideally suited for measuring and control applications. The Pepperl+Fuchs product offering includes operational detection ranges from 2 … 5 mm, 3 ... 8 mm, and 15 ... 40 mm. Due to the low temperature deviation of our inductive analog sensor product, only 1/1000 of the final value per degree Celsius, the sensor remains reliable and accurate even under non-constant ambient conditions.
In these applications, sensors with a stainless steel sensing face may reduce down time and extend service-life making your overall production more profitable.
Our "Metal Face“ product series (NMB…) is available in 2 versions, (FE) for detection of ferrous metals and (NFE) for detection of non-ferrous metals.