Optical window sensors


Record parts dynamically.


Optical window sensors have a series of parallel beams of light. This design makes it possible to sense object not only at a point but also over an area (window). The special design of the optics ensures that the outstanding resolution remains the same at any location in the window. Our optical window sensors work dynamically, which means that parts are only detected in the active area if they are moving.


  • Consistently high resolution
  • Dynamic method: only moving objects are detected. Feed shafts etc. do not affect the measurement
  • Detection of parts as small as 0.8 mm
  • Adjustable output signal length
  • Adjustable sensitivity
  • Three frame sizes
  • Standard M8 connector


  • Compressed air conveyance of small parts
  • Filament break control
  • Reject control
  • Counting/separation of parts